Ouster, Inc. is a global provider of high-resolution scanning and solid-state digital lidar sensors, Velodyne Lidar sensors, and software solutions for the automotive, industrial, robotics, and smart infrastructure industries. It is a provider of high-resolution digital lidar sensors that offer advanced three-dimensional (3D) vision to machinery, vehicles, robots, and fixed infrastructure assets. Its digital lidar sensors leverage a simplified architecture based on two semiconductor chips and are backed by a suite of technology. Its product offering includes its OS scanning product line and its DF solid-state product line. Its OS scanning product line includes OSDome, OS0, OS1 and OS2. Its OS series scanning sensors, REV7, powered by its L3 chip. It offers numerous customization options across its products, all enabled by flexible technology and embedded software. It supports over 850 customers in over 50 countries supported by a product portfolio of hardware and software solutions.